Nach aufwendiger Vorbereitung und aufgeregter Vorfreude war es am 12. Dezember 2024 endlich so weit: Der QueerPreis Pankow wurde erstmals verliehen! In Anwesenheit der Presse und 120 geladenen Gästen erstrahlten die Kronleuchter und Stuckreliefs im Rathaus Pankow im tongebenden Pink, als Bürgermeisterin Dr. Cordelia Koch verkündete: „Als Hausherrin erkläre ich, dass das Haus heute euch gehört!“ Was in den fünf nächsten Stunden folgte, haben wir für euch hier dokumentiert.
alle Bilder von Beliza Buzollo
Der QueerPreis Pankow wurde gefördert durch das Programm „Queeres Leben in den Bezirken“ der Senatsverwaltung für Arbeit, Soziales, Gleichstellung, Integration, Vielfalt und Antidiskriminierung.
PINKDOT ist eine queere gemeinnützige GmbH aus Berlin, das sich zum Ziel gesetzt hat, die Vielfalt und Kreativität der queeren Kunst- und Kulturszene zu fördern und sichtbar zu machen. PINKDOT engagiert sich dafür, queeren Künstler*innen, Projekten und Initiativen eine Bühne zu geben, sowohl online als auch offline, um die Rechte und die Sichtbarkeit von queeren Menschen zu stärken. Durch verschiedene Veranstaltungen, Publikationen und Kooperationen trägt PINKDOT zur Förderung von Offenheit und Inklusion in der Gesellschaft bei.
We celebrate the commitment and diversity of the LGBTIQ+ community
Under the patronage of Pankow's Queer Representative, Jenny Bluhm, the QueerPreis Pankow will be awarded for the first time by PINKDOT on 12 December 2024. This award is a strong statement for the diversity and commitment of queer people, organizations, and projects in Pankow. With her work, Jenny Bluhm is striving to strengthen the visibility of and support for queer projects in the district - a cause that is now also financially supported by the new QueerPreis Pankow.
The QueerPreis Pankow honors people, projects, and organizations that promote the values of openness and inclusion and actively combat discrimination and exclusion, particularly in challenging times. The award recognizes achievements that are anchored in Weißensee, Prenzlauer Berg, and Pankow and bring about positive changes that have an impact far beyond the day itself. The QueerPreis Pankow is awarded in three categories and is endowed with €1000 each.
The award in the category Individual honors a person who stands out for their comprehensive commitment, inspiring role model function, and sustained dedication to the LGBTIQ+ community in Pankow. In the category Organisation, the QueerPreis Pankow honors an institution that stands out for its impactful support of the LGBTIQ+ community in Pankow. The category Project honors a project that uses creative approaches to address current and relevant issues and creates long-term structures in the process.
After 1758 online votes by the queer community, nominees were determined on 1st December 2024. The winners in the three categories were then selected by a jury:
Queer Representative of Pankow Jenny Bluhm, jury president
Television legend Ralph Morgenstern, PINKDOT patron
Journalist Nadine Lange, Tagesspiegel editor, responsible for ‘Queerspiegel’ magazine
TV producer Daniel Zobel, neighborhood resident
Photographer Lisa-Sophie Kempke, curator of Kottilesben
Hosted by Lilly Mortis, the QueerPreis Pankow award ceremony will take place on 12 December 2024 at 6 pm in Pankow Town Hall. The evening will be accompanied by music from LIN, FarAvaz, Sookee and the Chee-Chees. In addition, at the end-of-year event, the artist Becky will remind us of the fragility and strength of queer spaces in Pankow with her multimedia installation ‘Ecke Eberswalder’. We will celebrate the award winners and their achievements for Berlin's most populated district's LGBTIQ+ community with sandwiches, champagne, and the beats of DJ Ina Vietha.
The QueerPreis Pankow is funded by the ‘Queer Life in the Districts’ program of the Senate Department for Labour, Social Affairs, Equality, Integration, Diversity and Anti-Discrimination.
PINKDOT is a queer non-profit organization from Berlin that aims to promote and highlight the diversity and creativity of the queer art and culture scene. To strengthen the rights and visibility of queer people, PINKDOT is committed to giving queer artists, projects, and initiatives a stage, both online and offline. Through various events, publication,s and collaborations, PINKDOT contributes to the promotion of openness and inclusion in society.
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